Geranium Organic Essential Oil
- Pelargonium Graveolens - 10ml
- £25.00
An oil incredibly dear to Alexandra Soveral’s heart, the star of our hero product Angel Balm.
The qualities of the leaf of these sunny and bright Mediterranean plants are plenty and varied. However, Geranium is best known for its balancing effects on both body and mind. Anything that is out of balance, Geranium is bound to help, be it overactive or underactive sebum production, balancing hormones, and all emotional conditions.
Geranium has a bright and uplifting quality, bringing comfort and a sense of wellbeing.
In Mediterranean countries it is custom to have Geranium plants by your front door and on window flower boxes, and this is because Geranium is a natural deodorant, brining the deodorising scent into the home.
This is therefore a wonderful oil to deodorise the home from pet, food, damp, and stagnant odours.
MAIN THERAPEUTIC ACTIONS: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, balancing, haemostatic, relaxing, stimulant, tonic, uplifting.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use neat on the skin.
Click here for our safety guidelines and use instructions.