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    A few years ago I got a present from Hemsley & Hemsley (the healthy food Gurus of our time) that changed my life…. It was a Copper Tongue
    Scraper!!! During the night’s sleep detoxification, toxins are deposited at the back of the tongue to exit the body…. the main cause for morning bad breath. Removing this layer efficiently is the best way to aid the body to detoxify on waking up. Using a copper tongue scraper is ideal as it can be sterilised with hot water and unlike plastic won’t deteriorate and hold bacteria.

    The Seven Day Detox two


    The skin is a large detoxifying organ, many of the toxins we consume are excreted through the skin’s pores. Dry skin brushing flicks off the dead cells on the surface of the skin allowing the skin to breathe and therefore detoxify. Another major benefit of dry skin brushing is the activation of the lymphatic system.

    Lymph runs just under the skin and its main function is to carry out toxins to lymph nodes where the lymphatic liquids get cleaned and released back into the body. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pumping system and therefore doesn’t not flow upwards as well as the blood. Dry skin brushing upwards and towards the
    heart encourages the flow of lymph in the right direction and therefore aids the body in its detoxification process.

    Dry skin brushing in the morning is very effective, as the body has been in a motionless state during sleep and as during this time the body has been busy detoxifying, the morning is the most important time to direct the toxins to its exiting points.

    Similarly, the same applies to the face, dry face brushing is essential to keep the facial tissues detoxified and to avoid puffiness.




    These are especially designed brushes for the face, being made of bio-degradable plastic means that they can be easily cleaned. The pack comes with the full Soveral Facial Brushing Technique.

  2. The need to sleep is the outcome of the necessity of the body needing to
    detoxify and for the central nervous system to recuperate and recharge.
    The more you exercise the more you will become sleepy as there will be
    more toxins that naturally occur during the exercise and other accumulated
    toxins get expelled from the muscles.

    Certain foods are difficult to digest and have a stimulating affect, they
    should therefore not be consumed in the evening, they are mainly meat,
    spicy foods, caffeine and sweets. Stick mainly to evening meals consisting
    of good carbohydrates, lettuce is also very good to promote sleep.

    Sleep with the window a little open and if possible with the head pointing
    to the North or East and the feet towards South or West. For the last hour
    before going to bed don’t watch or read anything too violent or negative
    and avoid getting irritated by conversations or thoughts, start entering a
    state of calmness.

    SOVERAL SLEEP AID: Sleepy Head Oil

    It is made with Valerian essential oil that sedates and soothes the
    nervous system. It also has marjoram and chamomile that calms over-active
    minds and relieves anxiety and distress. Lemon clears the mind and lifts the spirits,
    sending you to bed feeling light and sleepy.


    If you don’t get enough sleep during the night you can always have a
    little nap during the day. This gorgeous little book will guide you to how
    to have the best nap! The Art of The Nap by Harriet Griffey

    The Art of The Nap by Harriet Griffey

  3. Thank you to Edwina Ings- Chambers for her kind words about me in The Sunday Times Style Magazine. All of our body care products are designed to have an effect on body & mind. When used in body products, essential oils work by penetrating the skin and by being inhaled whilst on the skin, therefore having a dual effect. When you like a scent, your body receives it openly, this is why its so important to only have natural fagrances in all of your body products. Should you like to have an oil made with your favorite scents, please call or email us at [email protected].
